Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Hello All!

Good morning world!  Today will mark my first entry into this blog, and frankly, I'm not sure of the direction this is going to take yet.  Being new to the world of blogging, I'm going to have to take baby steps....kind of like Bill Murray in "What About Bob".  Baby Steps.  I'm going to have to get familiar with the layout of the site, the functionality of the technology, along with who and what we're going to be sharing here.

One thing is for certain, this site is for educators.  Not for educators only, no....but the main purpose is likely to discuss some positives that have worked in the classroom.  I teach seventh grade social studies, and am always looking for new and unique ways to enhance my craft.  I'm likely to talk about new ideas that have worked for me, and definitely am interested in any feedback on ideas that I will talk about.

Today will likely present an opportunity to truly refine this blog and the ideas within.  With February winding down, we're about to have some snow coming our way.  It's been too long.  Well, not too long.  We had more snow and more problems than you can possibly imagine from our October snowstorm (I'm not sure if the world remembers, but CT was particularly hard hit due to timing of storm).  We had six days of school postponed, but have not had more than a couple of inches since-and no snow days.  Today, we are already dismissed early.  Tomorrow doesn't look so great either.  I think this will allow for me to tinker with this site, and to see what I can come up with.

Again, welcome.  I hope that in some way I can inform you, or maybe entertain you.  I look forward to sharing ideas with you, and hopefully having you share some with me.


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